Monday, November 28, 2011

Self Promo Mojo Universo

     I'm sure one can see by now that I work in a variety of media and genres. This NakUniverse flyer I recently made reflects this as well as addresses some of my blogger activities for all to check out.  I'm a bit out of focus, I always have been, but I don't want to wear glasses. It's rather fun to have the blurryness and etherial abstractness of connecting the dots. Maybe one day when I grow up I will define my real self?....... or is this just a delusion on my part, and really, I will always be multi dimensional? 

     Below are three headers from my blogs that reflect areas of interests and my activity. You can check out the links  to these in the top left corner. 

I currently have some paintings hanging up at a restaurant here in Winnipeg and here was my e-vite image.